Why challenge equals happiness
Do you long for an ‘easier’ life? Have you deliberately positioned yourself at times so that you avoid challenge, learning or stress? For example: When you have a couple ofTrapped in your head?
How to stop over-thinking Do you sometimes feel trapped in your own head? Do you find that your thoughts sometimes swirl around your mind, hindering your ability to make decisionsMental health at work – a working revolution
Survey shows that half of us won’t tell employers about mental health at work When it comes to discussing our mental health at work, half of us would ratherBrene Brown on boundaries
Pride yourself on your ‘niceness’? Choose boundaries instead When people come to see me in my hypnotherapy clinic for help with relationships in Manchester the theme of boundaries often liesHeads Together: permission to open up
Royal Family campaign can bring our heads together Many of you will have seen the recent press coverage around Prince Harry’s candid interview in The Telegraph. He openly talks about hisHow Hypnotherapy can help you nail your interview
Does an interview fill you with fear? It doesn’t have to. Read on to learn how to enhance your performance for the big day Interview nerves are incredibly common forNew Years Resolution Series (6)
Why your new years resolution is not about your value You are enough I mentioned in my previous post how we can get caught up in believing that our happinessWorried about going ‘off-piste’? Be flexible with goals
How to be flexible when pursuing our goals It’s day five of the new year. I am always amazed by how quickly ‘real life’ can feel like it can getThe power of accountability
Why a public declaration matters Another day, another tip. Hopefully you are gaining more and more clarity on how you can make your new years resolution work for you. TodayHonesty is the best policy
How to stay motivated It’s day 3 and already #JanuaryBlues is trending on Twitter. But you can distract yourself from the January gloom by continuing to focus your attention onThe power of small steps
Baby steps help habits stick It is day two of the new year. How are you feeling today? Enthusiasm already beginning to wain? Check out today’s top tip for makingTips for New Years Resolutions Series
How language makes all the difference for new years resolutions to stick Most of us feel that shift in mindset when 1 January rolls around once again. We have aFinding flow: the antidote to boredom and frustration
Feeling a bit ‘meh’? In my Manchester Hypnotherapy practice, I help my clients learn and understand how the mind works and how they can optimise their capacity to live anThought for the day…
This quote is from Strictly Ballroom, probably one of my favourite films of all time because it involves dancing, hair jewels, Australians and wonderful personal transformation. It is a quote