Feel like yourself again

I’m here to help you feel calm, confident and free to create the future you want. Your capacity for change is so much greater than what’s keeping you stuck.

In this noisy, fast-paced world I offer the tools for you to connect to yourself, your strengths and your self-belief. Here you can learn to trust yourself to walk your unique path. Your way. With clarity.


“I worked with Sally over a three month period and in that time made hugely positive steps day-to-day. Before, I was experiencing periods of doubt about my career and knew I wanted a change, but didn’t have the confidence to take it any further. Since working with Sally, I am much more self-confident and focused, allowing me to work on my next steps. The visualisation techniques that Sally taught me work extremely well; I no longer become overwhelmed by decisions – if I feel old emotions creeping up, I can use these techniques to curb them almost immediately. They are a fantastic tool that genuinely make me feel more in control. Sally herself is friendly and open – I really believed that she wanted the best for me and I knew she would be available if I needed to discuss something. If you’re looking to make a change in your life, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Sally – you won’t regret it!”
Katy R, Manchester

Freelance Content Producer

“I turned to Sally for help after realising that my personal and professional development had been hindered by what seemed, at times, crippling symptoms of imposter syndrome. I was a little sceptical that thought processes that seemed so ingrained could be challenged and altered for the better – but that is exactly what Sally was able to achieve. I genuinely felt a difference after the first session, and the sense of empowerment was tangible. Working with Sally has been a hugely positive experience and my only regret is not having had the insight to invest in this sooner”
CA, Manchester


“When I first saw Sally I felt unmotivated, lost and disconnected from people and life. I immediately felt comfortable with Sally, she is so understanding and encouraging. Every session was a positive experience and I looked forward to each one. Having completed the 3 month course, I feel so much more confident and, most importantly, present. It has truly been life changing. I couldn’t recommend Sally enough!”
LB, Manchester


“I have had 2 sessions with the fabulous Sally. The first was to work on why I was holding myself back in my business and the second was around imposter syndrome. Sally was amazing. She talked me through everything, listened and was calm. Since our sessions I have seen a real shift in my confidence and I am now taking steps to carry out activities that align with my brand without feeling I am being judged or ridiculed. Sally really enabled me to look at what was holding me back and why and take action. I would highly recommend.”
Shelley, Manchester

Business owner

“I am so pleased I invested my time into working with Sally. I was feeling particularly stuck, with no particular direction and feeling fearful of making the wrong decisions. I have been able to work through those thoughts and feelings, with Sally’s support, and in a relatively short period. Not only has this enabled me to move forward confidently, but I’ve also been able to recognise, and embrace opportunities that come my way. This has opened up a new world for me, I feel free and not so apprehensive of the future. ”
Krista P, Manchester

“Upon completion of my sessions with Sally, I feel that a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel overall happier with my life and myself but I also have the tools I need to bring myself up on the bad days. The work Sally and I completed felt nothing short of a miracle and I personally felt a difference after the first session.”
Jodie Stubbings, Manchester


“Working with Sally has been hugely empowering and liberating. I wanted to feel more in control of the decisions i was making and to enjoy my work again rather than feel drained, trapped or resenting it.  I physically can feel the difference – it makes me feel lighter and i feel much more involved in choices that i am making.  I continue to work with Sally and consistently feel this same lightness and energy from our time together.  I cannot recommend Sally and the techniques that she uses highly enough. She is professional, focused and empowering. This is a therapy style that is highly effective and with the results being felt almost immediately. Sally will support and guide you through this. I cannot thank Sally enough for her hardwork and support with me.”
Sarah, Manchester


“When I first met Sally I couldn’t see or think straight. It was like my glasses had steamed up and I was weighed down by a lot of heavy shopping bags full of muddled thoughts and feelings. I was confused. Lost. Unhappy. Sally made me feel safe and supported. She’s smart and decisive and confidently guided me (over many months) through the fog and self imposed mire. Her approach is refreshing and varied and it feels very personal to your own needs. She’s all the things you’d want from someone who’s going to make you feel better – warm, welcoming, professional and clever. A safe pair of hands. Seeing Sally was worth every penny…getting greater clarity in my life is worth spending time and money on. She helped me see things more clearly and gave me a kit box full of great things to help me live and think my life better.”
DW, Manchester

“My Clarity and Confidence Call with Sally helped me to reflect on what was really important to me at this stage in my life and career. After our chat I felt much clearer on which path I should take and I have since embarked on a career change that I’m really enjoying and that will open up further opportunities to me in the future. I have a much better work life balance and no longer have that Sunday blues feeling! Thank you Sally!”
Sarah Doyle, Bristol

Civil Servant

“From my first clarity call to the extra session I requested, I had a good feeling about our journey. And I was not dissapointed. SHE GOT ME! Her congruence and authenticity allowed me to safely explore myself and past perceptions and help allow me to overcome some of my fears and anxiety. Like some of the other reviews I was new to hypnotherapy, but it works so well and from the first session I was exhausted only because I had let go some of my 'baggage'. If you are unsure about this investment, just take the risk. How can you put a price on your self development and well being!”
L Chan, Manchester

“Having previously tried other therapies I knew that low-self esteem was at the root of my problems and had been for many years. I found that I was quite miserable, lonely, and just going though the motions day after day. What I didn't know however, was how to turn off the auto-pilot that had held me back and kept me from participating and instead begin showing the real me and start engaging with life. That is when I sought out cognitive hypnotherapy. The second session with Sally really tackled the root of my low self-esteem, and in the following days and weeks I noticed the changes. What is more, these results are here to stay. My last session with Sally was well over 18 months ago, and yet there are still times when I find myself thinking, feeling or doing things that I know were only made possible by my cognitive hypnotherapy sessions with Sally. Doors are opening, and I also feel better equipped to handle life’s bumps in the road. I am now feeling not just positive but enthusiastic about my future. For the first time, I see that I am consistently starting from a point of "I am enough." I am able to go about life less self-consciously, and therefore with fewer constraints and limitations. I honestly feel as if I’ve got my life back, and my sessions with Sally were the catalyst.”
Joanne B, Manchester

“What I love the most about Sally’s sessions is that I always leave with a smile on my face. Sally is such a warm person, and her sessions are light hearted and playful. With Sally’s support, my perspective of life & my relationship with myself and others has changed drastically . She has helped me relax into life, and view the ups and downs as part of life’s adventure. I’m really looking forward to returning for further sessions. Thank you Sally.”
L, Manchester

“Sally offered a 30 minute Fire Session and it was huge. If you were in any doubt what can be achieved in one short call, don't be. We did EFT, Tapping Therapy and it's something I'll use forever. In this short time I uncovered a block that's been hanging around for ages and no small block either. So now I have the tools to emotional freedom. Sally also happens to be one of the gentlest humans I've had the pleasure to meet, which settled my nerves around opening up and using tapping. Thank you for such a kind offer with such lasting impact.”
Clare, Cambridge

Business Owner

“My cognitive hypnotherapy sessions with Sally have changed my life. I’ve dealt with anxiety for some time and when somebody recommended hypnotherapy to me I initially had my reservations. However from the first time I met Sally I felt at ease with her. Over the course of the last three months Sally has given me a safe space to express my anxious feelings. During our sessions she has introduced me to countless techniques to combat my anxiety and limiting beliefs, talking me through them and helping me to implement them in my everyday life. Sally has also enabled me to acquire new insights that have changed the way I think and feel for the better, making me feel more confident and empowered to make positive changes in my life. Sally has helped me realise how integral vulnerability and authenticity are to living a wholehearted life.

Following my first meeting with Sally, all of our substantial sessions have been via Zoom video chat which I find very effective and easy to use.

For anybody who might be considering hypnotherapy or anyone who is looking to make effective changes in their life, I really couldn’t recommend Sally enough! I’m so grateful for her help and will without a doubt work with her again in the future!”
Lauren Woods, Manchester

“I started seeing Sally three months ago as I was suffering from anxiety and after my first session I felt so much more positive. She gave me the confidence to examine my current work situation and make some important changes. Through visualisation techniques that reflect on the past and pay attention to the present and the future, I have been able to take a leap of faith and the future looks bright. My anxiety reduced after each session and I can honestly say that I am not suffering from anxiety any more. People have noticed that I am more positive and that my whole demeanour has changed. I have now completed my sessions with Sally and I can honestly say that they were life changing. Sally is so warm, welcoming and has a very caring aura. She put me at ease immediately and I really enjoyed each session as she gave me the tools to live my life in a more positive way. I would highly recommend Sally to anyone looking to make changes in their life.
Thank you very, very much Sally.”
Jess Eckersley, Manchester


“Sally helped me greatly with my fear of public speaking, giving me the techniques to turn negative emotions into positive ones. Though I went into the experience hopeful of change, I wouldn't have imagined her sessions would have had quite the effect they did.”
Dave Bowers, Manchester


“I have suffered from high levels of anxiety and panic attacks for the past two years which had become very debillitating. General counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, many different types of anti depressants, more general counselling, failed to reduce my levels of anxiety and panic attacks. I had reached the point where I didn’t know who could help me. I couldn’t and neither could conventional treatment. After the first session I knew that I had stumbled upon something, no somebody, who was going to make a massive change to my wellbeing. Now I no longer wake up to a terrible sense of doom. I don’t understand what she does and don’t need to for her sessions are gentle but at the end have a profound effect. To say that Sally has given me my life back seems like an over the top statement but that is exactly what she has done. I can’t thank her enough for how she has helped me go from an anxiety ridden 59 year old to someone who can see how good his life his and how the past has made him what he is today and the future exciting. Thank you Sally.”
Paul Shackleton, Manchester

“Sally’s approach is a really effective combination of coaching and cognitive hypnotherapy. She is able – very quickly – to gain a clear understanding of people’s personality traits, individual strengths and weaknesses and how they can help or hinder your professional development and success. After a programme of sessions with Sally, I now understand better what makes me more effective in overcoming work-related challenges and how to get greater satisfaction from being in business. She is especially skilled at tapping into unexpected areas of our psychological make-up and showing how we can use them to our advantage. Overall, she has a great way with people and brings real expertise to tackling the pressures of work and careers.”
Jon Clements, Manchester


“After what must be 20 years now of dealing with social anxiety, I thought I would finally give therapy a go. So glad I did! I felt the difference after just two sessions and after my 4th and final session I feel completely cured! I couldn't have done it without Sally's help. I would definitely recommend her to anyone who is even thinking about starting this process. It's well worth the time and money, it completely changed my life for the better! ”
Bradley, Manchester

“Sally empowered me to navigate through all the areas I wanted to improve and issues I wanted to deal with with great success and was thoroughly professional throughout. For anyone considering coaching I would highly recommend Sally”
Helen, Manchester


“I booked in with Sally as I was in a really dark place, emotionally, and couldn’t seem to get out of it on my own. All I can say about Sally is… wow!! I think, most importantly, I feel genuinely happy for the first time in a long time but I’m also now really clear about what I want my life to look like and am getting braver in making bold life and career moves for the first time in forever! Thank you so much Sally for being such a brilliant support, always listening to me and giving me tools to move forward with confidence!”
Georgia Shiels

“I arranged a coaching session with Sally as I was unhappy in my workplace (as a doctor) & unsure of how to proceed. Sally immediately sensed my stress levels & went through an exercise with me to reduce them. She then used several techniques to help me to tease apart the issues & come up with a solution which was to leave my job & get a new job. This previously had seemed impossible but Sally helped me to understand that I had to make a change to improve my work life balance. I am about to start my new job & I am so immensely grateful to Sally for her expert coaching. I would definitely approach her in the future to assist with any other major decisions.”
Kath White

Doctor, Manchester

nch registered
qch evidence based therapy
qchpa registered